Well, it's taken me a while longer than I'd planned, but Bring on the Night is almost ready and I plan to release next Friday - June 21st. I hope you're going to love this one as much as I do. Autumn and Matt have both been around for a while and shown up across a couple of series, but it took them a long time to be ready for their story - well, to be fair, Matt would have been happy to dive in from the first time we met him, but Autumn took some persuading - I hope you'll enjoy seeing how Matt goes about finally winning her over. I'll be giving away a signed paperback copy in the newsletter at the beginning of July. For your chance to win, leave me a comment below and tell me which of these books you'd be most interested to read. I've committed to releasing three more books this year: Summer Lake Silver 2- Seymour and Chris - coming August 24th. Summer Lake Seasons 3 - Logan and Roxy - coming in late October. Love in Nashville 2 - I'll tell you who after you've read Autumn and Matt ;0) - coming in December. BUT - I have a feeling I'll sneak one more book in there somewhere before the year is over and I wondered who you'd be most interested in. No promises - you know I can only do what the voices in my head tell me to do ;0) BUT these three stories are all wanting to get out into the world. I want to write them ALL, but if I only get to one, which one would you like to see first? 1) Spider. You met him in the Davenports series. He's Grace's friend who grew up in the foster care system. He's not part of the Davenport family, and he's no billionaire, but he needs a book. A bearded, tattooed, tough guy isn't my usual leading man, but if you've met him you know he's so much more than that description might lead you to believe. 2) Grady. You met him in the Hamiltons series. He works for Molly at her restaurant. I know he caught a lot of readers' attention. He seemed like just a fun-loving, partying, surfer-type guy, but then we learned that he was about to take on guardianship of his niece - he has a lot of story to tell and I can't wait to write it. 3) Leanne and Ryan. You met them back in the early Summer Lake books. They're friends of Missy's Dan and they have a lot of history. Leanne didn't do herself any favours when she interfered in Smoke and Laura's story but she kept coming back in later books to try to redeem herself. Ryan is something of a mystery, he set Dan up with some super-secret government work - and I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that he has another connection - apparently he worked with TJ Davenport a few years ago, too. ( I have to be honest, my hesitation with this story is that I just know it's going to kick off another series - of ex-military and special forces types. I love the idea, just don't know when I will ever get around to writing them! There are other possibilities, but I think one of these three is the most likely to elbow its way to the front of the line. So, let's make it a Giveaway question, shall we? Leave me a comment below about which of these stories you'd like to see first - and why - and that will count as your entry to win a signed paperback copy of Bring on the Night. I'll announce the winner in the newsletter early next month, so make sure you're signed up - you can do that here.
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