I said I was going to post every week and I came back to do it - it's just over a week, but hey, it's still progress for me. I also came back from my holiday in Turkey - which was wonderful! I swam in the sea every day and ate lots of good food. So now I'm a relaxed little writer person. I haven't made it all the way home yet, I'm having a quick visit with my folks on the way. Even on my travels I am still trying to get better organised with everything and another commitment I've made is to start sending out newsletters more regularly. If you're on my mailing list you know I shout up with preorders and releases and that's about it. If you haven't signed up, now would be a good time because I really am going to get better at it ;0) There's a link at the bottom to sign up. For the new, shiny improved version of the newsletter, I've got some fun giveaways lined up and I intend to do better with sharing snippets, bits of news and general fun stuff. If you have any ideas for what you'd like to see in the newsletter, please leave me a comment and I'll try to include it. I know some of you just want to know when there's a new book out, so I'm going to keep a separate list for you and you'll just get two emails per new book - one with preorder links when they go live and one on release day. So if you want to start receiving the regular newsletter Click this link to signup If you just want to know when there's a new book out Click to signup here That's about all from me for now. I'll come back next week and tell you what else I've got up my sleeve - and I'll be asking for your advice about what kind of swag you like too :0) The swag I'm thinking about is going to have this on it - whatcha think? Yes, Four Weddings and a Vendetta is coming along nicely - or not so nicely when it comes to the Vendetta part. Hehee,
Hey Absentee writer person reporting for duty. As per usual, I've been awol for far too long. I do have a good excuse though - I'm taking a well deserved holiday after finishing Dream Like Nothing's Impossible. I proved myself right and dreamed about a break by the Mediterranean - and here I am :0) However, while my toes are sunbathing my brain kept coming back to the fact that my poor little blog sits here with a single lonely post on it. So, here I am, making a commitment - yes, I used the C word - to start doing a weekly blog post. Yulp! I could, and no doubt will, ramble at you about all kinds of random stuff, but I figure if this is going to serve a useful purpose, then maybe you want to tell me what you'd like to see here. Can you see what I did there? I promised to give you a first blog post, but now I'm turning it around and asking you to do the work. YOU tell ME what you want to read about. So, fire away, leave me a comment and tell me what you want to know. I'll do a post once a week and work my way through, trying to answer your questions, and of course trying to make this fun for all of us. Psst! To avoid the inevitable "what's next" question. I'm working on Book Five in the Remington Ranch series. I could tell you what's it's about, but I'll just tell you the title and then get back to the pool. It's, Four Weddings and a Vendetta. |
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